
What is stative?

stative: a neologism from the words stable and native

What is stative?

stative is intended to become the go-to source for everything stablecoin.

You will find content on knowledge, trends, trivia, projects, use-cases, adoption & regulation around stablecoins and its ecosystem.

It starts out as an irregular newsletter and some LinkedIn posts and we will see where it leads.

The content is targeting people from tech and finance (not crypto bros, there will be no token discussions or market comments) and will be light, casual in english. It will have a European focus when it comes to regulation or use-cases but also look at trends, applications and projects globally.

Why stablecoins?

Because I am convinced, that stablecoins will be one of the - if not the single most - important and impactful use-case of blockchain as a base innovation.

The financial industry is one of humanity’s oldest industries and know to be very bureaucratic and consequently stubborn to innovation. Blockchain and especially stablecoins are taking just this industry by storm.

At the time of writing this, the concept of stablecoins is just 11 years old but has already created over 200bn of market cap and dragged some of the largest names in the game to participate in one way or the other (or at least have them openly thinking about solutions how to participate).

I believe, stablecoins will evolve from their beginning of “just” being a bridge between traditional finance (“tradfi”) and decentralised finance (“defi”) to one of the core applications to substantially merge the two worlds and by that, create innovative new products, players and ideas with the potential to truly shake up the industry.

Why content?

This space is very dynamic and conceptually complex. I have read this quote, which resonates very well with how I see it:

Blockchain and decentralised finance are great, they combine everything we don’t understand about finance with everything we don’t understand about technology"

unknown but smart person

It is intellectually stimulating to me, to learn about stuff like this, but I am not good at doing it without a purpose. Right now, I do not see an opportunity to actually build something in this space. But I do want to learn more about it and thought creating content around it would solve my purpose problem. That’s why I will share my learnings, thinking processes and opinions in the form of content with whoever is interested.

What to expect?

As this is a passion project and a side-hustle for me, the will be no fixed schedule. I will try to create content on a monthly basis. There might be a bit more frequent bits and pieces on my LinkedIn. As stated above the content is not trying to be academic but rather “edutaining”.

I will start off with a piece on trying to explain the concept of stablecoins and another one on the history of stablecoins and its most relevant projects.

Thanks to everyone who reads in and I am looking forward to every feedback.