- stative
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- About
stative is the go-to source for everything stablecoin: knowledge, trends, trivia, projects, use-cases, adoption & regulation.
The name “stative” is a neologism derived from stable and native, implying a world, where stablecoins become natively integrated into applications, economies and everyday live.
As a passion side-project, I am creating content on and around the topic of stablecoins and how this concept is influencing finance, capital markets and economies.
I strongly believe that blockchain as a technology has the potential to massively disrupt the industry and unlock huge economic potentials.
As I want to stay on-top of these developments, learn about them and - maybe someday - build a business oder product based on them, I would love to share my journey with everyone interested to participate.

Hi, my name is Kai. I am a passionate entrepreneur and business guy with high affinity for product, design and tech.
I have spent like 10 years in management consulting and have been involved in the crypto industry since 2016. I have worked on multiple concepts in and around blockchain, web3, cryptocurrency and stablecoins. Most notably, I have been co-founder and CEO of coindex, Germany’s first regulated platform for savings plans and index-based investment in crypto assets.
I am convinced stablecoins have the potential to be one of the major use cases of the base innovation blockchain and thus - besides other projects - want to educate myself to be able to participate in this movement.
If you like, I’d love to take you on that journey with me 🫶